Beyond Blame: An Offering of Liberation

The patriarchal interpretations of Eve's role in the fall from grace have contributed to the perpetuation of negative stigmas against women in Islamic societies. These interpretations often portray women as inherently sinful and responsible for leading men astray. Such beliefs have led to the marginalization and subjugation of women, limiting their opportunities for self-expression and personal growth.

Throughout history, the association of women with the original sin of Adam and Eve has been utilized to justify the patriarchal dominance and control over women's lives. This narrative has been used as a tool to suppress women's agency, reinforce gender inequality, and curtail their participation in various spheres of life. It has perpetuated harmful stereotypes, casting women as temptresses and manipulators who must be controlled to safeguard men's morality.

"Beyond Blame: An Offering of Liberation" invites viewers to question and break free from the confines of patriarchal interpretations, embracing empowerment and celebrating the potential of women in all their complexity.

Oil paint on canvas, 99.5 x 150 cm, 2023

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