
The video performance titled "The Dust" depicts a woman in the act of clearing a mirror, ultimately confronting her true self. The performance begins with the woman aimlessly doodling on a reflective surface coated with black dust, which serves as a symbol of bad fortune and suffering in life. By clearing away the dust, the woman reveals her true reflection, allowing her to embrace a clear future and a sense of empowerment.

To create this performance, I drew inspiration from the "Sofreh-Aqed," a traditional Iranian wedding ceremony. This ritual involves the use of two sugar cones that are ground together on a white cloth. During the ceremony, two virgin girls of marital age or two happy newly-wedded women hold the corners of the white fabric over the heads of the bride and groom. A third woman then grinds the two sugar cones together to create white sugar powder, symbolizing the hope for a marriage filled with joy, sweetness, and blessings.

Sadly, many married Iranian women face physical, mental, or emotional abuse during their married lives, and their suffering is often overlooked. Through the juxtaposition of the Sofreh-Aqed with the act of clearing the mirror in "The Dust," I aim to shed light on the often-hidden pain experienced by these women.


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